I love snails (to eat, not as a pet. Though as I have never had one as a pet, I could perhaps love one in that way.).
My favourite place of having them was in Portugal. They were just little, normal garden snails. They had been boiled in their shells and were served in a big mug. They looked like slugs when you pulled them out of the shells.
I might experiment with eating slugs - we keep getting them in our kitchen.
It is gross. I dont know where they come from and I rarely see them, just their little sluggy trails over the floor. The first thing I do now every morning is mop the floor and wipe down all the surfaces (just in case).
I did notice a gap in the wood of the back door with lots of sluggy trails around it, on the door. I sprinkled salt down it last night and I didn't notice any sluggy trails on the floor this morning.
Yuk, yuk, yuk.