A certain high street electrical store had something I wanted at the price I wanted, so off I went and logged in having first checked that I had the funds.
I got right through to payment, but it was refused. The system told me to try again, so that's what I did, with the same result. The system now suggested that I ring for help. The young lady was very helpful, but still no payment accepted. She suggested that I ring my bank to check that my card had not been blocked. My bank confirmed that my card was OK, but when we got down to account balance and payments made it was way out - way out to the tune of the money I had been trying to spend on the Internet. That payment was "pending". So it's off back to the store and the helpful young lady. For some reason the store's system was not accepting the payment (the one pending) even though the money had left my account. The money was with a company called WorlPay, but because my payment had been refused three times (as suggested by the store) it would not release the money, which would now have to be returned to my account and my order cancelled - that would take 24hrs!!! Back to my bank; yes, they could see what was going on and the money would be in by lunch tomorrow.
The upshot is that through no fault of mine I am ££££s down and some international banking organisation has it for 24hrs to do with as it pleases.