Good morning Thursday

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Re: Good morning Thursday

Postby Rodo » 13 Feb 2014, 09:57

Found the fence panels, but they are useless now. We will need to replace them. We will halve with next door though so not too bad. Next door but one lost all their panels! Some neighbours have roof damage as well, but we were lucky there.

Re: Good morning Thursday

Postby Kaz » 13 Feb 2014, 10:31

The film sounds good Poll, the sort of thing I don't have any excuse to see any more, now H is insisting he's too old for them :oops: :roll: :lol: :lol: I need grandchildren!!!!!

Ria I'm glad you are relatively unaffected! Chris sent me a video and some more films of his flooding, might pop them on the photo board later, rather than boring people on here ;) :lol:

Rodo glad your roof is ok, and that you have neighbours to share the fence costs with xx
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Re: Good morning Thursday

Postby Lozzles » 13 Feb 2014, 10:58

Morning chums :D I'm so sorry for those of you in the middle of all the wind and floods. We are not too bad in my village.
Rodo, best wishes to your SiL. I hope she is okay x
Kaz, glad H is safe with his mum :D I hope the waters around C don't get any worse.
Wishing everyone a safe and calmer day xxx
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Re: Good morning Thursday

Postby Aggers » 13 Feb 2014, 11:16

Good morning friends.

It is so sad to hear of all the problems this terrible weather is causing.

Act of God ??? That doesn't sound right to me.

Take care everyone.

Re: Good morning Thursday

Postby Kaz » 13 Feb 2014, 11:17

Just updated, Chris' water has gone! :D Such a relief :) 8-)
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Re: Good morning Thursday

Postby Diflower » 13 Feb 2014, 11:40

Morning all :)
Bit late as been a bit busy this morning - after watching the ski slop style finals that is ;)

We have a lovely spell of calm and bright at the moment which I'm grateful for. We had some huge hailstorms yesterday, and the power kept flicking off but didn't go altogether. The wind was quite frightening but thankfully no damage - thank goodness we replaced that old shed!
I'd said I was glad Bb wasn't out driving through the forest but this happened in Southampton - don't know what make of car but quite an advert for it: ... ar/?ref=mr

Rodo I'm so sorry about your SIL, it would be nice if worries and scares could be spaced out a little more wouldn't it.
When we had that huge storm in 1987 it tornadoe'd my greenhouse and the insurance co paid out no problem.

Hope everyone stays safe - and don't even look at the forecast for tomorrow ;)
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Re: Good morning Thursday

Postby Gal » 13 Feb 2014, 12:39

Hi all - it is Tom's birthday today - he is 56! :shock: He leaves for work v early (6.30am) so he only had chance to open his card from me, I have some bits and pieces for him to open later and I bought a cake when I went to Asda just now - we're all going out for Sunday lunch but this evening, his girls and Lewis are coming over to see him - can't decide whether to keep the cake for Sunday or cut it this evening....

It's been so wild and windy during the night I could hardly sleep, never known it so strong. No damage that I can see however, apart from loads of paper rubbish blowing all over the estate :roll: It's still wild but not quite as bad as through the night.

Sorry to hear about your SIL Rodo, hope thing settle down for you all soon.

Kaz you don't need grandkids to see kids films! :lol: Just go see them! :D

Re: Good morning Thursday

Postby Ally » 13 Feb 2014, 12:44

A couple of years ago Leilani went on her own to the cinema to see a 'kids' film that had some sad scenes in it - she sat and blubbed and the kids around her laughed at her! :o :lol: :lol:
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Re: Good morning Thursday

Postby Osc » 13 Feb 2014, 16:05

Afternoon all, not too bad a day here - although brought Mr. Osc and Michael to the driving range earlier, it was sunny, cold and windy, but they had no sooner started to play than a hailstorm swept in, it was unbelieveable :shock: Thankfully at the driving range they are semi-inside so they were able to carry on. Back to sun now and they are out in the garden, that child's appetite for golf is unquenchable!!
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Re: Good morning Thursday

Postby Kaz » 13 Feb 2014, 17:02

Gal I know I could, but I'm afraid what Ally said might be the case :oops: :P :lol: :lol:

Happy Birthday to T - 56? Why did I think he was a bit older than that, several years older than me?? :? ........ :oops: Hope you all have a great evening :D xx

Di that was a very lucky escape for those people :shock:

Osc Michael's golfing makes me smile, bless him :D :D 8-)
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