Hi all - it is Tom's birthday today - he is 56!

He leaves for work v early (6.30am) so he only had chance to open his card from me, I have some bits and pieces for him to open later and I bought a cake when I went to Asda just now - we're all going out for Sunday lunch but this evening, his girls and Lewis are coming over to see him - can't decide whether to keep the cake for Sunday or cut it this evening....
It's been so wild and windy during the night I could hardly sleep, never known it so strong. No damage that I can see however, apart from loads of paper rubbish blowing all over the estate

It's still wild but not quite as bad as through the night.
Sorry to hear about your SIL Rodo, hope thing settle down for you all soon.
Kaz you don't need grandkids to see kids films!

Just go see them!