My parents came to visit a little over two weeks ago. They were staying for three days.
At the same time we were having the doorway between the current living room and the new living room next door ripped out of the wall. The living room was totally out of action and in a total mess for the whole time.
My parents decided to stay for a week.
In the interim #1 son and his better half came over to sign for their house 15 minutes down the road from us and start working on it.
Then one of the builders was taken sick and the job ran on for a while.
3 days after my parents left, my mother became ill and they returned and she was hospitalised. She's much better now although Mrs S had to shout at her to go to the hospital Sunday evening instead of Monday morning when it would be busy.
My father is now coming round every day for Lunch and tea, meaning Mrs S can't go to #1 son's house and help out like she had planned.
Today my mother was told that she'll need a course of 14 more injections (daily) so sort out her blood as it was far too thick.
Also yesterday my SIL was taken into hospital in Scotland throwing up blood.
Mrs S is going off her head and phoning me all the time whether I'm in a meeting or not.
Today I had to phone my brother (just back from holiday in the US and Canada) and tell him that, NO, it would not help at all if he came over and started bossing my parents around and insisting that my mother was medevaced to the UK....
I go home tomorrow to try and get my swimming pool in (it rained for almost every day I was home last time and it was a quagmire). I'm going to have to bite my tongue hard this weekend. Needless to say my diet has gone to hell and I'm not very focused at work.
I guess we'll get over it and things will go back to some semblance of normal. However Mrs S was looking forward to 3 weeks "down time" before all the visitors come for the summer. Now she's lucky if she'll get 3 days.
At least she's got more than enough to worry about so she won't go on about my bike any more.... Sliver linings...