Good morning - the storm blew itself out quite quickly after midnight, here, but during the evening strong gusts kept interfering with our gas boiler flue and safety devices kept cutting in, which was a bit of a pain.
Just back from taking Mrs O to the dentist. It took 20 minutes to travel just over a mile, horrendous traffic, and I had to mount an impromptu detour to avoid the queues. The morning traffic does seem to have got a lot worse recently, apparently there had been an unspecified accident somewhere, but also there is a (slightly) reduced train service on our line in the leaf-fall season, so of course all the commuters abandon the railway and head for their cars ...
When we got to the dentist, no-one else had managed to make it, so Mrs O got straight in - I walked into the shopping centre, did M&S for croissants and vegetable moussaka and chocolate mousses (meece?
), then sneaked into McDonalds for a bacon sandwich and coffee, before returning to the car at the dentists where Mrs O was waiting for me.
Was halfway through making a pitch for a breakfast butty when Mrs O's eyes narrowed and she said "you've got ketchup on your mouth ...."
That properly scuppered the Ostrich's plan, didn't it?