by Suff » 25 Jun 2015, 22:09
Hi Victor,
Texting a picture is a bit of an oxymoron in some ways but you can send a picture as text. What it actually did was to send a MMS.
Is the phone UK or local? I'd say that MMS services were not available locally. The only way of sending pictures on a phone are MMS or via the internet using email or an app like Skype or fb or other such apps. If you just sent it as text then it was certainly mms, which is not cheap.
Better to be on wifi and send a mail with the picture as an attachment. Both my phones offer to "share" the picture via a range of methods, one of which is email. Of course I have so many mail accounts on my phone I have to pick the correct one, but that's my life.
Sorry MMS is Multimedia Message Service.... Not everyone knows.
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