You know, those dafty ones, who lost us both the sale
They always stay in the house for about 5/6 weeks during the summer. They arrived a few days ago and we'd managed not to speak or even see them
Until today
He came around, very apologetic, and gave us a loads of plants, bulbs, a little touch of the shoulder (typical for over here) and was so obviously so very sorry that it all went erm, wrong. And as a special for me, a very special cutting from his very weirdo, cactus, as he knows I love 'em
He's been around all our neighbours, giving out bulbs, plants (he really loves his garden) and I've given in - I'm too soft.
Tomorrow, I'll give him a few of those weirdo pepper thingies, a shed load of tomatoes, a few lemons.
Can't help it, really, Grumpy and I were saying that they were so used to Salazar, growing up with being told what to do, where to go, what you can have/can't have, what to think, that being able to decide something for yourself can be so daunting.
Ho hum.
Oh and his gorgeous puss cat came round to say hello this morning too