I think the one big problem with this country is that it's too easy to get benefits if you're lazy and breed like rabbits. I do think the government has to start somewhere to reduce what they spend in the way of benefits; BUT saying that they definitely seem to be picking on the easy targets vs putting their heads together and coming up with a way to stop the benefit abuse by those who really DON'T need it. The people who need it often are too afraid to rock the boat because they're scared they'll lose whatever little bit they get, whereas the scroungers will have absolutely no qualms about lying and cheating and milking the system as much as they can at a cost to those who need the help. I really really hope that this poor lady (who definitely is one that needs the help) doesn't have to go as far as an appeal and that they back off and leave her alone!
As for the young 'offender' not found guilty - Kaz, I suspect you're right. They're not going to do anything with him because they don't know what to. What he did wasn't right, but if he has mental issues then he cannot be locked into a young offenders institute or anything like that. I do think though that he should be made to pay costs or do community work somewhere.
Just hope the glazing company pulls finger and gets that window sorted! Can you get the insurance company or police to put pressure on them?
But as for this country going to pot, sadly you're not wrong, but trust me there are lots of worse places to live. And find me one country where the government / rulers aren't corrupt and out of touch with reality I really do wish that the government here would take a long hard look at what they're doing and be big enough to accept that between this one and the previous and all the other previous ones they've mucked up... but sadly I suspect they'll always believe they're right and doing 'for the good of the people'. They just seem to forget that "the people" are the likes of you and me; and not all the posh people that have a country house and a Townhouse and have a job at Westminster