Good morning Thursday

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Re: Good morning Thursday

Postby Kaz » 20 Feb 2014, 10:58

Aw (((((Ton))))) hope you feel properly better soon! xxx

Well it started horrid here and now the sun is out, just like yesterday! :D Bit windier though, so I won't count my chickens :roll: :lol:

Osc enjoy having Michael :)

Saundra, thank you, I think B might just be home this weekend, if not definitely next weekend 8-) ;)

Thanks Loz, it has been lovely :) xxx

Debih enjoy your 'you' day! :D 8-) xxx

Harry has only just had his breakfast - his teenage 'sleep for England' gene has kicked in well and truly :roll: :P :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Good morning Thursday

Postby meriad » 20 Feb 2014, 11:28

Morning all - a rather grey, drizzly and windy day here today - I am rather sick and tired of it all now.

Ally, good luck for your mom today - hope all goes OK
Ton, hope you feel better soon; it feels like it's been dragging on :(

have a lovely day everyone x
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Re: Good morning Thursday

Postby Ally » 20 Feb 2014, 12:35

Thanks for the good wishes for mum.

She had the lung capacity test where she has to take a deep breath (nigh on impossible for her :( ) and then promptly fainted. :(

When she came round she said she felt really ghastly.

Mum said the nurse was really lovely and quickly got dad who was waiting just outside the room and he got mum home, the fire on and made her a lovely cuppa.

I've not long spoken to her - she sounded quite frail but said she'll feel better in a bit.

I've ordered her some flowers for same day delivery. x
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Re: Good morning Thursday

Postby jenniren » 20 Feb 2014, 13:07

Morning all :D

Oh dear, your poor mum ally, hope she feels better soon xxx

(((((((Ton)))))))) take it easy this has been dragging on a bit, hope you feel better soon xxx

Another lazy day on the beach for us, can't believe how quickly this holiday is flying past, need to make the most of the sunshine while we can.

Hope you're all having a good day :D

jen x
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Re: Good morning Thursday

Postby JoM » 20 Feb 2014, 13:17

Good afternoon all - it's like a lovely Spring day here, so much so that I've got the patio doors wide open.

I've been to the gym and then popped into town and noticed some lovely primulas at the greengrocers, lovely big strong ones which are full of buds, 2 plants for £1, so I picked up 8 and they've now been planted in the pot by the door and the ones on the patio. It's really brightened things up. Think I might go back and get a few more tomorrow.

The boiler man is here now doing the service and then I can walk Billy, or should I say inquisitive Billy who is itching to get into the utility room to see what's going on in there.

Tonight we'll go and move Mom and Dad's furniture back into the living room as they're having new carpet fitted today, and then it'll be on to Aldi and Tesco for the weekly shop so I'll work on a menu and make a list this afternoon.

Glad your Mom's back home now Ally xx

Have a good day all!
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Re: Good morning Thursday

Postby Kaz » 20 Feb 2014, 15:18

All of the daffs AR planted for me last autumn are in full bloom now, they look wonderful! Just wish my tablet would come so I could take a piccie of them :roll: :lol: :lol:

I walked to town and back and bought H some new (longer in the leg) skinny jeans to wear back to his dad's - the ones he was wearing when he arrived are too short, but as they are Gap (also bought by me!) and too good to throw away I've cut off the legs to fray them into cut-offs for the summer 8-) :D I also bought pizza for Mick and H to quickly eat before the drive back to Egham this evening.....neither of them will want to have a heavy meal just before a long drive like that, and it's a fast day for me ;)

Town had an odd tense feel to it today, there was a young girl (20) stabbed to death in one of the hairdressing salons in town on Tuesday night - an ex b/f came into the salon and stabbed her with her own scissors in front of the customers :shock: :( :( Gloucester is a city but with a small town mentality (everyone knows everyone else, or so it seems sometimes) so everyone was talking about it - just awful :( I am sure I recognise the girl by sight - her photo was in the newspaper - as she had very distinctive red hair in a elaborate style........poor kid! :( :( I hope they throw away the key :roll:
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Re: Good morning Thursday

Postby Diflower » 20 Feb 2014, 15:32

How dreadful Kaz, no doubt the ex is now realising the consequences, far too late :(
Glad your mum's home Ally, hope she's feeling much better soon - the flowers will help I'm sure :)

I've had the back door open some of the time, it did brighten up here - then got dark and another huge downpour, and now it's bright again. We have a very strong chilly wind though, it doesn't really feel very springlike :)
Oh just see Bb arrive back - he was only local today - will go make him a coffee :)
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Re: Good morning Thursday

Postby tonicha » 20 Feb 2014, 16:22

We read about that Kaz, dreadful, appalling thing to happen to that poor girl. Vibes for her family, they must be in bits.

Ally, that test is a nightmare for any-one to do, let alone some-one with COPD. Hope she's felling better soon. Must question why they feel it necessary to do that sort of test? There are other one's, surely?

Had a cooked (by me ;) ) breakfast, dishes washed (by me :( ) had a long snooze :D , finished one book :D , the ironing is now done (by me :cry: ) I'm going to have a look and see if there is any post, so that means sticking my nose outside and a walk to the gate :lol: , cup of tea (made by me :evil: )

No doubt dinner will be made - by me :twisted:
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Re: Good morning Thursday

Postby Ally » 20 Feb 2014, 16:31

You'd think so Ton - to put mum through this then I'm thinking this particular test must be necessary. :(
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Re: Good morning Thursday

Postby Kaz » 20 Feb 2014, 16:45

((((Ally)))) It sounds perfectly horrid, but no doubt they have their reasons :( Sending more hugs (((((((x))))))
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