Good morning Wednesday

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Good morning Wednesday

Postby Ally » 12 Feb 2014, 07:50

Good morning. :D

Mostly blue sky with a few fluffy things. 8-)

I shall mostly be pootling and reading today before going to work later. :D

Enjoy the day everyone. :D
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Re: Good morning Wednesday

Postby Kaz » 12 Feb 2014, 08:35

Morning Ally :) Morning everyone :)

It's not raining here yet this morning, but watching the BBC News coming from Staines is so worrying - Breakfast were reporting from The Swan, the riverside pub where we had Becky's 18th! It's a five minute walk from where Harry and his dad are, and Chris is still stranded.........Loads more rain set to come so goodness knows when it will all end :(

Nothing much I can do, so I'll be getting on with my day as usual I suppose - hope everyone here is safe, dry and well today xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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Re: Good morning Wednesday

Postby Gal » 12 Feb 2014, 08:40

Saw that on the news myself Kaz, what a worry. Hope to goodness things settle down soon!!

Well we have a smattering of snow, was falling last night! 3 miles away where Donna lives, they have about 3 inches! :shock: So I'm pulling on old old boots with sturdy grips to walk down to work....I took the dogs out late last night and the sky was so clear and bright that the moon lit up the back path that I norally only take them on in daylight 8-)

Work today but boss has called Emma in to help out, she doesn't usually work a Wednesday but is always keen to get a few hours overtime - very glad to get an extra pair of hands even though she'll only be here till about 3pm :D

Have a good day all xxxxxx

Re: Good morning Wednesday

Postby Kaz » 12 Feb 2014, 08:45

Oh that is good about the extra help Gal :) 8-) Take care in the snow xxx
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Re: Good morning Wednesday

Postby meriad » 12 Feb 2014, 08:55

Morning all

Glad you've got some help Gal - as you say it may only be until 3pm but still... better than nothing.

Another night of no rain for me (which makes it over 48 hours of no rain - yay!!!!) But apparently it's meant to be starting up again today - the weather forecasters are now predicting strong winds, sudden heavy downpours, wintry showers and at times some sunshine. I just think they're covering everything to play safe..... ;) but it's definitely a lot greyer out there than the past two days have been

Have a lovely day everyone and Kaz, hope Chris, your ex and Harry stay safe x
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Re: Good morning Wednesday

Postby pollR78 » 12 Feb 2014, 09:13

morning all,

We had what looks like a light flurry of snow through the night or late, not sure, but thats it. Its dry at the moment but looks freezing and got the heating back on!

Last day of babysitting my friends wee one, and she will be back after lunch today :D :D he is sleeping just now, after being very vocal, but he is very cute!

Waiting for the electrician to come and fit shower, then plasterer to finish up so praying they come early so we can go out! Also finally got round to calling the council about a wee leak under my kitchen sink and the plumber is here now, woohoo! (its leaked for over a year but i never get round to phoning, whoopsie!)

Hope everyone stays dry and safe with this rain and snow :(

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Re: Good morning Wednesday

Postby tonicha » 12 Feb 2014, 09:22

Morning everyone

Grey, wet and windy again here. But quite warm, so not complaining. Just glad we're not over in England. Everything crossed for your family over there Kaz xx and every-one else.

Kettle shopping today, as well as food shopping ;) The one that died was given to us as a thank you (along with other stuff) about 8 years ago, so considering the amount of work it's had to do, not bad for a freebie :D

My cold has gone :D just left with the clogged up head and choobs :roll: :roll: so at 3.00 this morning, I was head down, over a bowl of hot water and olbas oil :lol: :lol:

Hope you all have a good day and keep safe and as dry as you can xx
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Re: Good morning Wednesday

Postby Aggers » 12 Feb 2014, 09:27

Good morning, all.

More rain forecast for today, so we won;t be going out much.

Still, we have the Winter Olympics to watch - aren't they exciting this time?

Hope you are all well and coping with the weather.

Take care.

Re: Good morning Wednesday

Postby Lozzles » 12 Feb 2014, 09:35

Morning all. Another day of wind and rain today :roll:
Youngest went off with my keys by mistake today, so the front door is locked! My new sewing machine (queue the dancing girls!)is being delivered today, so I might have to take it in through the lounge window! :lol: That, or gallop round from the back door.
Wishing everyone a safe and dry day if possible. I do hope this weather ends soon :( xxx
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Re: Good morning Wednesday

Postby Diflower » 12 Feb 2014, 10:00

Morning :)
More rain in the night, more gale force winds, more rain this morning... :( More heavy rain alert and amber wind warning.

Glad you're getting some help Gal x
Poll it will be lovely having a sparkly new bathroom :)
Glad you're feeling better Ton :)
Yes Aggers we love the winter olympics :)
Kaz hope the water misses them, but if not, well, there's nothing you can do about it (((x)))
Loz I meant to ask whether you'd chosen a new machine, you'll be having a lovely play :)
Ally I'm so glad there is still some sunshine in the world :)

Bits and pieces to get done today
Hope everyone's ok
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