I'm very grateful to my mother in law but.....

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I'm very grateful to my mother in law but.....

Postby debih » 11 Feb 2014, 15:12

L came home yesterday saying that her ankle hurt. She said she was running somewhere and it just started to hurt.

It looked a little swollen but nothing major and wasn't bruised at all.

This morning she was still complaining about it so we had another look and she had quite a large lump (like a bone really) protruding from her inner ankle. She had something similar on her other ankle but this one was much larger.

Unfortunately I was co ordinating a complaints panel hearing at work so couldn't not go and Mick was busy on site somewhere so he rang his mum to ask if they would mind nipping her down to our local cottage hospital. He dropped her off there on his way to work at around 8am.

They took her down and were told that it is nothing to worry about - they think she might be one of a few "strange" human beings that have extra bones (the weird sticky out ones in her ankle) and that a knock had perhaps swollen the tissue around the odd bone (bizarrely when I took S to have an xray on her wrist a couple of years ago they found that she had extra bones in her wrist too - the junior doctor sent for the consultant to have a look at it and they were quite intrigued!!).

So instead of taking her back to school (it was just before 11am when they got back to their house) my mum in law decided that L could have the rest of the day off. :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: Fair enough - absolutely no need for it but L has a really good attendance record so one day wasn't going to make much difference. But even so, there was no reason why she couldn't go back.

I got a phone call from Mick a short while ago - L went back to school. She was so bored that after she had some lunch she demanded that grandma take her to school. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I shan't say anything to MIL - I'm just grateful that she was able to take her for us.
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Re: I'm very grateful to my mother in law but.....

Postby JoM » 11 Feb 2014, 15:17

:lol: :lol: :lol:

How odd about both of them having extra bones!

Joe tried to get a day off today by saying his leg hurt, and then limped around the kitchen slamming things down when neither of us gave in to him.
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Re: I'm very grateful to my mother in law but.....

Postby meriad » 11 Feb 2014, 15:29

debih wrote:I got a phone call from Mick a short while ago - L went back to school. She was so bored that after she had some lunch she demanded that grandma take her to school.

That just made me laugh! Glad all is OK though and as Jo says - very fascinating that both girls seem to have extra bones; I do love how genetics work out.

And :lol: at Joe, Jo - can just imagine the scene
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Re: I'm very grateful to my mother in law but.....

Postby Kaz » 11 Feb 2014, 16:45

:lol: :lol: Odd coincidence though! xxxx
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