Good morning Monday

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Good morning Monday

Postby Rodo » 10 Feb 2014, 07:33

It's a cold and frosty morning here. We haven't had much frost this winter really.
We are in the throes of decorating. The house has been a tip for a couple of weeks already.

I hope your day goes well.

Re: Good morning Monday

Postby Lozzles » 10 Feb 2014, 07:40

Morning one and all :D
Happy decorating Rodo!
Off to my lip reading class in a little while.
Wishing everyone a good day :D
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Re: Good morning Monday

Postby debih » 10 Feb 2014, 08:25

Morning all. Very cold and frosty here this morning.

Day off for me today - using my holiday up. Governors meeting at 2.30 though.

Bokwa tonight.
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Re: Good morning Monday

Postby saundra » 10 Feb 2014, 08:25

morning rodo /loz and all who follow
beautifull sunrise but thick frost here
monday h/w today and washer on
fed up with drying it inside but no
sun in the back garden till summer
have a good day everybody
good luck with the decorating rodo
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Re: Good morning Monday

Postby Ally » 10 Feb 2014, 08:35

Morning everyone. :D

Gorgeous blue sky and sunshine with a brisk wind. :lol: :lol: :lol:

The bed sheets will be dry shortly at this rate. :lol: :lol:

Pootling for me today - had a heavy weekend. :shock: :lol: :lol:

Enjoy the day. :D
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Re: Good morning Monday

Postby Kaz » 10 Feb 2014, 08:35

Morning everyone :) A bright cold and sunny day here - frost on the grass and the roofs 8-) Lovely, such a change from the interminable rain! Saw a page on Facebook last night based where I grew up, it's not good round Staines, Windsor etc :? :roll:

I have afew bits to do here, then I'll be out again later for my walk. Should be nice in the sunshine as long as I'm well wrapped up. I might even risk leving my brolly behind ;) :lol:

Rodo good luck with the decorating :)

Debih enjoy your day off :)

Loz hope the lip reading goes well 8-) :)

Saundra I have a condenser tumble dryer - that means you can put it almost anywhere - a spare bedroom even, as you don't need a vent ;)

Have a good day everyone :) xx
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Re: Good morning Monday

Postby tonicha » 10 Feb 2014, 09:05

Morning everyone

After yesterdays very heavy rain and very very high winds, we have

ta da

Sunshine :D :D :D and blue sky :D :D :D

Windows and shutters open, washing machine going ;) we'll be walking down to the village later, to pick up a few bits and bobs and to pay the motorway tax.

I think I'm getting another cold :cry: :roll: :evil: so will up my intake of garlic :lol: :lol:

Hope you all have a good day and those who are affected by the flooding are all well xx or as well as they can be xx
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Re: Good morning Monday

Postby Diflower » 10 Feb 2014, 09:49

Morning all :)
Lovely bright sunshine here, very cold but no frost :D
Bb's off to the dentist (small filling) but then not working till after lunch.
Lots of lovely h-word for me ;) :)

Saundra our back garden's the same, I've given up putting any washing out - mind you, it's rained almost every day this year anyway :roll: We don't seem to get the wind without the rain.
Glad your sun's back Ton and Ally :)
Have a good day all
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Re: Good morning Monday

Postby Kaz » 10 Feb 2014, 09:56

Hope Bry gets on ok at the dentist's Di - not seen him around on FB lately........ I miss getting totally thrashed on WWF tell him ;) lol xxxx

I've not had anything out on the line since about October :? :roll: Will be great to be able to put my sheets and towels out again 8-) Only three weeks until the meteorological start of spring (March 1st) and six weeks until the spring equinox :D
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Re: Good morning Monday

Postby Diflower » 10 Feb 2014, 11:02

He c*cked it up :roll:
He hadn't written the appointment on either the calendar on the fridge or the desk one here but 'knew' it was at 10.00.
On Thursday there was a phone reminder here, at 10.15. I 'may' have thought it said the appt was at 10.15, and as there was nothing on the calendar I wrote it on.
Bb also had a text message reminder.

Today he went to leave at 9.45, I said the appt wasn't till 10.15, he got the card out to check and it said 9.25 :shock: :roll:
He went - it's only 5 minutes or so - but too late, so now has to go on a couple of weeks :roll:
Men! :roll: :evil: :lol:

I told him about WWF, he's not been on it lately (he plays poker for imaginary millions) but says he will ;) :)
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