Good morning Saturday

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Good morning Saturday

Postby Ally » 08 Feb 2014, 08:10

Good morning. :D

Nice again. 8-) 8-)

Run for me then my weekly Mr Martin lust fest. :lol: :lol:

Off to Paco's at 5pm to watch the Malaga game and will pick up a campero and chips to bring home - whatever time that will be! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Enjoy the day everyone. :D
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Re: Good morning Saturday

Postby Kaz » 08 Feb 2014, 08:26

Morning Ally, morning everyone :)

Well no doubt it will alter, but for the moment the sun is out and the sky looks clear :shock: :D :D :lol: That bodes well for our quiet Saturday and a wander out later 8-) Hopefully we will wander past M&S as last night I discovered that Fraggle had eaten my pyjama bottoms :o :? Well, chewed a great big hole in them anyway ........Nice new wide legged leisure type ones too, only a fortnight old....... :roll: :roll: So I want to replace them :roll: :roll: At least the carpet cleaned up nicely from his 'gift ' of the other day - Mick ran the Vax over yesterday 8-)

Have a nice Saturday everyone, let's hope these storms that were forecast don't materialise after all! xxxx
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Re: Good morning Saturday

Postby saundra » 08 Feb 2014, 08:29

morning ally and everyone
it hammered it down alnight again
dry now and clear but cold
might go out might not :roll:
so have a good day everybody
naughty frazlle kaz
thats why you found that 10.00 :)
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Re: Good morning Saturday

Postby Kaz » 08 Feb 2014, 08:45

:D :D Oh Saundra, I never thought of that! Problem solved 8-) :D :lol: Enjoy your trip out, if you go xxxxxxx
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Re: Good morning Saturday

Postby saundra » 08 Feb 2014, 09:02

:lol: :lol: when i get out
just brought my first x***s present for lilly from matalan
a onese and a dressing gown both reduced :lol:
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Re: Good morning Saturday

Postby Kaz » 08 Feb 2014, 09:39

:shock: :lol:
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Re: Good morning Saturday

Postby pollR78 » 08 Feb 2014, 09:44

morning all

wow Saundra you are VERY organised :shock: :shock: wish i could be!

Usual Saturday, Amy has swimming and then usually Drama but someone told me its off this week - will try and find out!

We are then off to visit my friend from uni, she has a 4-5month old so going back to uni next month to finish her last placement :-) she got a job on the staff bank, has her induction next week and her mum has let her down to look after the wee one, she also has a 3 year old who will go to nursery, so as I am off I said I would take him, so having him Monday & Tuesday for her, will go up today to find out all the info I need, lol!

Hope you all have a good day

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Re: Good morning Saturday

Postby Diflower » 08 Feb 2014, 10:20

Morning :)
We did have a bit of brightness, however since then one huge downpour and right now it's dark as night and hammering down again :(

Bb has to work but it's a late start as we were watching the snowboard slope style final :D It's very exciting - and we had 2 Brits in the final, can't be bad out of the best 12 in the world :)
It doesn't matter when he goes, but he usually gets out earlyish on a Saturday so he's back in time for me to get out if I want to. Looking at the weather unless it improves drastically I won't want to be going anywhere!

Lol Kaz Saundra's right, that £10 is spoken for :D Another reason not to let dogs in bedrooms :lol:
I know it's the same or worse everywhere but my goodness I'm so fed up with this damned rain :( Oh well, I shall carry on with a few jobs that are at least satisfying - bits of clearing/sorting etc here and there.
Hope everyone has a good day
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Re: Good morning Saturday

Postby Lozzles » 08 Feb 2014, 10:36

Morning all :D
D and I had a lovely night of tango and didn't get back until the wee small hours.
Parts of Romsey are flooded due to the Test rising. The lady that has Jasper is flooded, so I hope she and her family are okay :(
Bits and bobs day today,mainly staying in I think :roll:
Have a good one chums x
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Re: Good morning Saturday

Postby tonicha » 08 Feb 2014, 10:37

Morning everyone

Wet and windy - and for the rest of the week-end too :roll: So only just got up :oops: :oops: :lol:

Curry tonight and that's about it :lol:

Hope you all stay safe and dry ish over there xx
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