Is it just me, or

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Is it just me, or

Postby meriad » 07 Feb 2014, 09:13

are there loads of cars on the roads with faulty headlights at the moment? Generally with one either not working at all or very dim whilst the other is on full bright beam, blinding everyone that comes towards them. Bad enough when it's good weather, but bright lights combined with rain don't make for good visibility or pleasant driving. Seriously, it's not that expensive to get them repaired - takes about 20mins if you go to somewhere like Halfords who have a fitting service.

And whilst I'm having a rant - I also really struggle with those white headlights most cars seem to have now. Yes, maybe they do give better visibility for the driver but again, for cars coming towards them or if they're behind you you get so blinded again. I've got a normal size compact car and there are loads of larger higher up 4x4 types where I live (the perils of living in Surrey you understand - the yummy mummy brigade :lol: ) that they always seem to end up with their full beam in your rear-view mirror when they are behind you; I'd hate for them to accidentally put their lights on bright :o

And then don't get me started on the opposite problem of most bicycles have either none or woefully inadequate lighting!

Phew, there we are, moan over and thanks for listening :D :D
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Re: Is it just me, or

Postby Ally » 07 Feb 2014, 09:16

Good job you don't live here Ria - lights and indicators are something the Spanish seem incapable of using! :roll: :lol:
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Re: Is it just me, or

Postby victor » 07 Feb 2014, 09:58

same here Ally ,that indicator arm is for hanging sunglasses on ---is'nt it? :lol:
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