Morning all and happy Friday
Ally have a lovely day wherever it is you end up going

- what a fun thing to do; just go where the mood strikes
Kaz; glad you've got a dry forecast; ours is a very mixed bag - I think they're just saying we're going to have a bit of everything then they won't be wrong

. Last night was meant to be really wet and windy but it wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it would be; so fingers crossed that the weekend will also be OK(ish).
I'm grocery shopping this evening (was meant to go yesterday but just not in the mood), tomorrow I think I'm meeting up with Nadine as she wants to go clothes shopping and I'm going to be her runner'er (ie the person running around in the shop exchanging all the goods she has in the changing room that don't fit or look right

) and Sunday I suspect I'll potter about at home catching up on the dreaded cleaning and also cook various meals to freeze so I've got lunch at work for the next two weeks
Enjoy the day everyone xxx