Thoughtful daughter and SIL

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Thoughtful daughter and SIL

Postby Osc » 06 Feb 2014, 12:10

Mr. Osc got a text from SIL last night asking would he be interested in playing at the Old Head course in Kinsale, one of the top courses in the world, very exclusive and pretty spectacular - apparently it's a golf outing from some big company where SIL has friends and the green fees will be cheaper than they normally would be (which would be very expensive). The golf is on 26th April, which is two days before my op, so I said why not, life is short and he may as well grab the opportunity to play somewhere so special when it comes along. But in fact, Miss Osc and SIL are suggesting that we all go, Michael too, make a weekend of it, it seems there are reduced rates at various b&bs in the area, and they thought it would be a nice treat before I go into hospital on the 28th. That's so thoughtful, because I know if I was at home that weekend, I would just be thinking and worrying and trying not to panic! It's just so nice to think first of all that SIL likes to invite Mr. Osc to play golf and then that they both thought up this lovely idea. We have something every weekend in April, I will arrive in the hospital in need of the sleep, anaesthatised or not :lol: :lol:
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Re: Thoughtful daughter and SIL

Postby Ally » 06 Feb 2014, 12:11

That is lovely Osc. xx
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Re: Thoughtful daughter and SIL

Postby JoM » 06 Feb 2014, 12:24

That's so lovely of them, and the timing is excellent for taking your mind off the hospital xx
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Re: Thoughtful daughter and SIL

Postby Diflower » 06 Feb 2014, 12:31

Oh that will be nice Osc :) x
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Re: Thoughtful daughter and SIL

Postby meriad » 06 Feb 2014, 12:47

That sounds amazing Osc; it's fantastic that you all get on so well; guaranteed to have a good time

But have to ask - will little Michael be staying with you and your daughter for the day or heading out with the boys to play golf as well - he may well put a few people to shame on the course :lol:
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Re: Thoughtful daughter and SIL

Postby JoM » 06 Feb 2014, 12:49

LOL! There's a point though - how are the fellas going to get away for a day's golfing when Michael's around? :lol:
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Re: Thoughtful daughter and SIL

Postby Kaz » 06 Feb 2014, 15:42

It's a lovely idea Osc - how very thoughtful of them :) Just the thing to stop you worrying ((((x))))
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Re: Thoughtful daughter and SIL

Postby cruiser2 » 06 Feb 2014, 18:43

Are you not going to try the Dolmen package?

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Re: Thoughtful daughter and SIL

Postby Osc » 06 Feb 2014, 18:48

JoM wrote:LOL! There's a point though - how are the fellas going to get away for a day's golfing when Michael's around? :lol:

Well I must say that that question did cross my mind :lol: :lol:

cruiser2 wrote:Are you not going to try the Dolmen package?

Maybe not this time :lol: :lol:
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Re: Thoughtful daughter and SIL

Postby miasmum » 07 Feb 2014, 17:26

That will be lovely and something to look forward to
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