Morning both, hope your days go well xxxx
Morning all, the storm has subsided here but it was very wild overnight! Just seen on the news that part of the railway line at Dawlish has been washed away

That's the bit of the line very near to the sea, where we walked last summer. That will mean the main line to Penzance will be out of action

This weather is something else
I have washing and ironing to do today, will be walking up to Sainsbury's later weather permitting. That's as far as my plans go today. My MIL is in Scotland, on holiday, doing one of those coach tours of the Highlands! She's gone with the Cruse group she volunteers with......I do hope the weather is calmer and nicer for her there
It would have been my parents' 56th wedding anniversary today - I hope wherever they are, they are together. Love you mum and dad xxxxxxx
Hope everyone is feeling well today, hugs and vibes for those who might not be (((((x))))) xxxxx