Need your thoughts on this please

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Re: Need your thoughts on this please

Postby Kaz » 04 Feb 2014, 08:30

I agree with the others - and Frank is right when he says this is what both you and your OH paid your NI and tax in for all of those years! It is yours by right and you should claim. The forms are complicated - I know as my ex and I filled them in for DLA for H when he was little and having serious problems - so get the AgeUK help that has been suggested.

Harry's helped to pay for the extra help he needed, and you could either spend yours on that, or save it for when you might need it for that! xxxxxxxx
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Re: Need your thoughts on this please

Postby cruiser2 » 04 Feb 2014, 08:32

I learnt a long time ago, if you don't ask, you are not given. So put your claim in now. And don't be fobbed of by any jobsworth. If they refuse at the first application, ask for the reason in writing.

Re: Need your thoughts on this please

Postby meriad » 04 Feb 2014, 09:09

I totally agree with everyone that you should claim it if you can. If for no other reason than that money will make your's and your OH's life a bit easier. Not sure how you get about now, but it would pay towards a taxi, special equipment in the house if it's needed and not provided by the state etc... it's there for a reason so definitely go for it
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Re: Need your thoughts on this please

Postby Cal » 04 Feb 2014, 09:23

Please claim Attendance allowance Lissie, you are entitled - and as someone else pointed out if you get tired you could then afford a taxi rather than drive, and if it gets to a stage when you need a cleaner you could afford one.
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Re: Need your thoughts on this please

Postby Lozzles » 04 Feb 2014, 10:06

Just to add, that I agree with everyone else. This is yours to claim lissie xxx
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Re: Need your thoughts on this please

Postby louise » 04 Feb 2014, 10:09

From Age UK...............

Carer's Allowance may not be paid if you are receiving a State Pension or certain other benefits. However‚ it may be a good idea to apply anyway because you could get extra Pension Credit and/or Housing Benefit.
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Re: Need your thoughts on this please

Postby saundra » 04 Feb 2014, 10:31

hope you can claim lissie looks a bit of a mine field but good luck
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Re: Need your thoughts on this please

Postby Kaz » 04 Feb 2014, 10:36

It seems that Attendance Allowance is what you should be claiming rather than Carers Lissie - as Jen said it is not means tested. Do go for it, you and D have earned the help and paid for it over the years, no doubt many times over! xxxxx
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Re: Need your thoughts on this please

Postby lissie » 04 Feb 2014, 10:43

OH does get Attendance Allowance but unfortunately this does`nt open the door to other benefits as Carers etc do :(
I have been reading up on it and it seems that Louise is correct and you can`t claim Carers Allowance if you get
Old Age Pension :o
Oh well that is another idea gone out of the window.

lissie :)
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Re: Need your thoughts on this please

Postby Kaz » 04 Feb 2014, 10:47

:( xxxx
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