Good morning Sunday

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Good morning Sunday

Postby Ally » 02 Feb 2014, 07:57

Good morning. :D

Roll up! Roll up! We have another day of sunshine on the costa. 8-) 8-) :lol:

I'm going for my usual Sunday bike ride with Herman the German..task master extraordinaire. :shock: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Roast chicken for dinner and I'm going to make a lemon meringue favourite. :D :D

DOI tonight - lovely jubbly. :lol:

Enjoy the day everyone. :D
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Re: Good morning Sunday

Postby tonicha » 02 Feb 2014, 09:33

Morning Ally, morning everyone

A Sunshine Suzy day here too 8-) :D :D

Enjoy the bike ride Ally xx

Off down to the car boot late, or maybe not. We've been innundated with French campers - they're EVERYWHERE :shock: :shock: Apparently, they normally go to Morocco, but have decided the East Algarve is for them this winter - and when I say everywhere, if there is a bit of hard-standing, they park - for weeks :shock: :shock: :roll: . As so many of them are using the parking down by the beach, where the markets usually are, I bet it was great fun at 4.00 this morning, shifting them :lol: :lol:

Then maybe a quick visit to Aldi, to get some stuff to take with us - nice bottle of wine for our friends we're meeting on Thursday.

Hope you all have a good day and stay safe and dry over there xx
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Re: Good morning Sunday

Postby Kaz » 02 Feb 2014, 09:46

Morning both, morning everyone :)

Ally enjoy your bike ride :D

Ton what a nerve!!!!! Fairly typical though :? ;) :lol: :lol:

Sunshine here again :shock: Mind you yesterday started that way, yet by teatime it was bucketing down, and stayed that way for hours! Where is it all coming from? :? The Severn Bore is high too......bound to be flooding :( but we are ok here.

We had a fab evening out last night but I have lost my Radley umbrella :( It was my best one, but the restaurant can't find someone has picked it up :( :roll: Still, H had a fab birthday he said, that's the important thing :D

Will be cooking a roast for lunch, then Mick will take H home and Becks will be going back to Bristol later - it's been lovely having them both here though 8-) :D

Have a nice day everyone :) xxx
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Re: Good morning Sunday

Postby Diflower » 02 Feb 2014, 09:58

Morning all :)
Quite bright and sunny here too, and not supposed to rain all day :D
Glad you all had a good time Kaz, shame about the brolly though :(
Enjoy the ride Ally, and Ton what a strange invasion :D

I might go to Lidl, since their cured pork loin joints are half price this weekend (£1.99, for exactly the same thing that M&S and Waitrose both charge about £7 for!) - I've taken to buying 3 when they're on offer, it's a lot of sandwiches :D

Lovely to see the sunshine, but of course everywhere is sodden/flooded, so it doesn't make too much difference to what you can do.
Hope everyone has a good day
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Re: Good morning Sunday

Postby saundra » 02 Feb 2014, 10:19

morning everybody
sunshine here like yesterday
well lilly is on her way to a zoo then cadburys world
grandson is 9 as well
hope everybody continues to have sunshine and a nice day
i do wish the floods would stop poor people
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Re: Good morning Sunday

Postby Lozzles » 02 Feb 2014, 10:26

Morning chums, sunny here at the moment. D and youngest are working together to make a gate for the drive :D Hope the day stays dry long enough :roll:
Not sure if eldest is coming over, but I have a roast planned for later anyway :D
Wishing everyone a happy and a dry day x
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Re: Good morning Sunday

Postby Osc » 02 Feb 2014, 12:24

Afternoon all, gawd I just can't take late nights :roll: Got to bed about 2.15am and feeling more than a bit sleepy Image

However, the sun is shining, I actually have washing out on the line for the first time this week and I will probably go dancing this afternoon - Mr. Osc is doubtful as there is just too much sport on the telly, but a friend asked me to go along to this particular social for a specific reason (ongoing story of division in the Dublin dance world :roll: ) so I said I would go even if he doesn't - but that could change too as the friend may not go, she was at the same party as we were, so I have to wait to hear from her in a while. Enjoy your Sunday everyone :)
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Re: Good morning Sunday

Postby jenniren » 02 Feb 2014, 13:16

Morning all :D

Another sunshine suzy here, it's lovely and bright.

We're off out here for lunch later No steel band but the food is lovely, huge variety and lots of fresh seafood, great views too 8-)

Hope you're all having a good day :D

jen x
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