morning all,
Sorry not posted for a bit, my head has been a bit of a mess lately but onwards and upwards!
Usual plans today, Amy has a swimming lesson at 11 and then Drama at 1, I am meeting a friend from uni for a cuppa as her son also goes to the Drama class

Then off to visit my niece, she has a hospital appointment this morning and is having a procedure/examination carried out so will go and see how she is doing later on.
Happy Birthday to H, Kaz xx hope he has a good day!
Hope everyone has a nice Saturday and the weather isn't too cold/wet, its freezing here, we were told to expect snow but checked the weather and there is no sign of it, phew - I hate the stuff, and don't think my little car will be very good in snow so praying it doesnt come!
Oh me and Amy are doing Race for Life this year, I think I put a link to our page as my signature, so if anyone has a spare £1 to sponsor us for this fab cause we would really appreciate it - im putting the link on my facebook page weekly
Poll x