Good morning Saturday

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Good morning Saturday

Postby Ally » 01 Feb 2014, 07:32

Good morning. :D

Lovely sunrise. 8-)

Up with the sparrows this morning as Don is playing in a badminton tournament. :D

Like a good wee wifey I made him coffee and toast. :D

Like a bad wee wifey I'm not going along to watch him - I'm going for a run and have my usual Mr Martin lust fest. :lol: :lol:

Off to Paco's tonight to watch the Malaga-Sevilla game and see if I can spot Conor in the crowd as he managed to get tickets. :P :P

Happy birthday to H Kaz. :D :D

Enjoy the day everyone. :D
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Re: Good morning Saturday

Postby pollR78 » 01 Feb 2014, 09:07

morning all,

Sorry not posted for a bit, my head has been a bit of a mess lately but onwards and upwards!

Usual plans today, Amy has a swimming lesson at 11 and then Drama at 1, I am meeting a friend from uni for a cuppa as her son also goes to the Drama class :) Then off to visit my niece, she has a hospital appointment this morning and is having a procedure/examination carried out so will go and see how she is doing later on.

Happy Birthday to H, Kaz xx hope he has a good day!

Hope everyone has a nice Saturday and the weather isn't too cold/wet, its freezing here, we were told to expect snow but checked the weather and there is no sign of it, phew - I hate the stuff, and don't think my little car will be very good in snow so praying it doesnt come!

Oh me and Amy are doing Race for Life this year, I think I put a link to our page as my signature, so if anyone has a spare £1 to sponsor us for this fab cause we would really appreciate it - im putting the link on my facebook page weekly :D :D

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Re: Good morning Saturday

Postby debih » 01 Feb 2014, 09:13

Morning all. We have sunshine and blue skies. Sadly it is not forecast to last.

I am off on my introduction to quilting thing today from 10.30 til 4. I'm using it more as a course in how to drive a sewing machine than anything!

Lazy evening of nothingness planned.
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Re: Good morning Saturday

Postby saundra » 01 Feb 2014, 09:17

morning all
sunshine blue sky here
debnih quilting how lovely enjoy it
poll dont send any snow here
of to morrisons later
happy birthday to harry as well
everybody have a good day
just going to put a colour on my hair :roll:
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Re: Good morning Saturday

Postby Kaz » 01 Feb 2014, 09:33

Morning everyone :)

Just popping in quickly as I need to get ready to go out - H wants to go and spend his birthday money :D How did he get to be 14 and so tall?? :shock: :lol: Thank you for the birthday wishes for him, I will pass them on :) 8-)

Poll lovely to see you, sorry things have been a bit yuk :( (((((x)))))

Ally LOL ;) :lol:

Debih enjoy your sewing class 8-)

Saundra we have sunshine!!!!! :shock: :D :D :D Have a good day xxxx

Right well we are going out so H can spend his money, nipping to see D this afternoon then a family meal out this evening - D coming too of course 8-) :)

Have a nice Saturday everyone - hope you have sunshine too :)
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Re: Good morning Saturday

Postby tonicha » 01 Feb 2014, 09:34

Morning everyone

Grey and cloudy here.

Happy Birthday to H :D :D Hope he has a lovely day being spoilt by you all xx

Pootling, after Mr Martin. Better do some cleaning before we go away :lol:

Made a huge stew yesterday, so that should keep us going for 3 days :lol: :lol: :lol:

Stay safe, warm and dry over there - hope you can have a goodly day xx
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Re: Good morning Saturday

Postby Lozzles » 01 Feb 2014, 09:42

Morning all :D Lovely and sunny so far. Fingers crossed that it stays hat way.
Debih, you will love quilting :D (well I do) I'm a bit jealous because my machine has bitten the dust and I'm all in a tiz about it :cry:
Happy birthday to Long Tall Harry :lol:
Wishing everyone a sunny and lovely day xxx
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Re: Good morning Saturday

Postby Diflower » 01 Feb 2014, 09:45

Morning all :)
We're black and blue - lovely and bright at the back but a massive black cloud approaching at the front :shock:
Bb will be working so hope the worst of the rain holds off till later.

Hope you're feeling better Poll (((x)))
Enjoy Mr M Ally, and good luck to Don :)
Happy Birthday to H :D
Debih enjoy your quilting :)

Freshly baked loaf sitting in the kitchen, bring your own butter :D
Have a good day
Ps Oh no Loz! Mr L couldn't fix it then? Is there a Singer shop nearby? If it really is kaput You'll have to treat yourself to a new one sharpish - they're very reasonable, unless you want one with lots of bells and whistles :)
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Re: Good morning Saturday

Postby Ally » 01 Feb 2014, 09:59

Funnily enough last week in Malaga I spotted a Singer sewing machine shop tucked away in a back street. :o :D :D :D
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Re: Good morning Saturday

Postby cruiser2 » 01 Feb 2014, 10:07

Good morning everybody.

Cold but clear blue skies. Have done the shopping and walked to the chemist. Mrs.e has a sore neck. Our chemist is very good and it is usually quicker than going to see a doctor. Had to buy two things which shopuld ease the pain. One is a cream and the other are tablets.


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