A dining out question

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Re: A dining out question

Postby meriad » 31 Jan 2014, 16:55

Rodo wrote:Subdued lighting can cover a multitude of secrets! Invite them while it still goes dark early!

I like your thinking - ambient lighting, strategic candles etc....

But Shell to be honest, whilst I totally understand where you're coming from; I do think that if they care more about your house vs you and Tim then they're not really friends. You and your house are who / what you are; you're an amazing person and they are coming to visit you and Tim, not the house. As for the food - those £10 meals for 2 from M&S are really good, get that. No-one would ever need know that you didn't cook it all yourself ;)
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Re: A dining out question

Postby debih » 31 Jan 2014, 17:26

miasmum wrote:The decor is ok, it is my furniture and carpet I am ashamed off. All are over 30 years old but Tim is adamant no new stuff whilst we have pets. When Mia goes ( :( ) he says I have a choice, another cat or a decent house, but not both. I can see this being a tricky one :roll: :roll:

But regardless of that, the thought of cooking for anyone other than immediate family brings me out in a nervous rash :shock: :shock:

Tell him you choose the decent house.

Get your carpets and your curtains sorted.

And then once you have what you want, get the cat. What's he going to do - put the old stuff back in. :lol: :lol:
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Re: A dining out question

Postby miasmum » 31 Jan 2014, 17:27

I'm with Rodo it does look better in the Winter :lol: :lol: I know it wouldn't bother them but it bothers me
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Re: A dining out question

Postby saundra » 31 Jan 2014, 17:46

MM why cant you buy a new carpet and a tin of emulsion
To cheer your room up things don't have to be brand new if you shop carefully
And it would certainly do you good
Then you can invite your friends round and be proud of your new room
And. Order a take away be brave go for it :lol:
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Re: A dining out question

Postby Kaz » 31 Jan 2014, 18:20

:lol: :lol: Debih 8-) :D :lol: :lol:
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Re: A dining out question

Postby miasmum » 31 Jan 2014, 18:32

The walls are fine Saundra, it is just the shabby old sofa, with the cat pulls along the bottom and the stains where Mowgli either had a nose bleed or Mia was sick on it. The carpet has pulls from their claws and again stains from cat sick. Problem is I clean it up straight away but they sneak into the dining room and then I don't notice it for a few days

Believe me Debih, that won't be happening. Once he says no, he means no
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Re: A dining out question

Postby Rodo » 31 Jan 2014, 18:51

How about a nice big cheap throw and maybe a couple of new cushions. Lovely ones cheap in B&M.

Candles and subdued lighting and a nice friendly welcoming atmosphere - that's all you need.

Re: A dining out question

Postby Kaz » 31 Jan 2014, 19:00

That sounds good 8-) :) :)
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Re: A dining out question

Postby JoM » 31 Jan 2014, 19:17

That's a good idea Rodo, and you can get some pretty cheap rugs too if the carpet's a problem!

By the way Shell, cooking for other people stresses me out too...I'm still amazed at how casual I was about Christmas dinner last time when it was just the four of us.
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Re: A dining out question

Postby victor » 31 Jan 2014, 19:31

Devious Debih-your evil.lol
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