Good morning Friday

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Good morning Friday

Postby Ally » 31 Jan 2014, 07:28

Good morning. :D :D

Ee by gum it looks right nice again. :lol: 8-) 8-)

A run for me this morning. :D

Might spend today just's been a mad week of Malaganess. :lol: :lol:

Friday night beers and tapas. :D :D

Enjoy the day everyone. :D
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Re: Good morning Friday

Postby Kaz » 31 Jan 2014, 08:35

Morning Ally, morning everyone - we have appalling weather forecast here, at least an inch of rain this afternoon :(

However, we have a lovely weekend planned - it's Harry's birthday tomorrow, he'll be here this weekend and Becky is coming home this lunchtime. I'm meeting her at the station at 12.30 :D :D I can't believe my 'baby' is 14 already :shock: :roll: :lol: :lol:

Hope everyone has a good day, stay warm and dry :) xxxxx
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Re: Good morning Friday

Postby Ally » 31 Jan 2014, 08:51

I've just been watching the news Kaz - the rainfall due in some places is so heavy. :o

Somerset looks a total washout - all those poor people and their homes. :(

Surely there can't be much more rain left to fall?! :shock:
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Re: Good morning Friday

Postby Kaz » 31 Jan 2014, 08:55

I said exactly the same to Mick yesterday :( They've called in the military now, as they are expecting another high tide this afternoon :( Many of those homes have been flooded or cut off since Christmas - why it has taken this long to help properly I don't know :(
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Re: Good morning Friday

Postby saundra » 31 Jan 2014, 09:00

morning all
its actually bright dry clear here
but it will change to heavy rain later
not a good day for anybody weather wise
its the great steam on here :roll:
see how it goes
the years fly by kaz my grandson is 9 tomorrow and J is 43 feb altho he acts like 23 at times
have a good day all
its now time for my W D U fix
kaz i thought the same yesterday the army should help out at the very beginning its disgusting situation IMO
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Re: Good morning Friday

Postby tonicha » 31 Jan 2014, 09:06

Morning everyone

Cloudy here, with some wet stuff forecast :D

Also got some wet stuff next week, and we were hoping to meet our friends in Castro Verde - not much point if it's chucking it down :roll: :( Grumpy did say - when he was a trifle piddled last night - if we can't go, he'll take me out to dinner one night every week in February, to make up for it. Just have to remind him of it when he surfaces :lol: :lol: :lol:

Popping down to the market later, hopefully will get some fat tuna steaks and other bits. Then a coffee or two.

Stay as dry and warm as you can over there - and safe journeys to your family Kaz, won't be pleasant on the roads.

Have as good a day as you can xx
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Re: Good morning Friday

Postby Kaz » 31 Jan 2014, 09:23

:lol: Ton, make sure he remembers :P I think the rail and motorways are ok, should be all right but thanks :) xxxxx

Saundra I've got WDU on as well - wonder if they'll get there on this second attempt :roll: Have fun with your steamer ;) 8-)
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Re: Good morning Friday

Postby meriad » 31 Jan 2014, 09:31

Morning all - not too bad this morning, but a yellow weather warning in place again for quite a few rivers in the local area. They're expecting heavy rain this afternoon again and tomorrow apparently :( . I agree that the army - or someone / something - should have been drafted in a lot earlier. My heart goes out to all the people affected, but esp the farmers who will really be struggling and face a very uncertain future.

Saundra, have fun with the steamer - I love my steam mop :)
Ally - enjoy having fun in the sun; I'm jealous!
And Ton, I agree with Kaz Ton, make sure you remind Grumy :lol:
Kaz, enjoy the afternoon with Becky and in case I forget, happy birthday to Harry for tomorrow

have a lovely day everyone, stay dry and warm and safe xxx
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Re: Good morning Friday

Postby debih » 31 Jan 2014, 09:39

Grrr, mumble mumble mumble.

I have put on 2lbs this week. I am going the wrong way!!! I am very cross with myself. I am feeling bloated and yucky - interestingly I have started to reintroduce bread products this last week. I have hardly had any over the last three weeks. I am going to cut it out again to see what happens next week.

Anyway - up and out early for me this morning. Along the canal with the dog. It was lovely - no one else around and all misty. But very cold.

Back home to do some bits. I am determined to get the school prospectus finished off - I think it will be a small job as most of the groundwork has been done. I just need to finalise it and send it off to the printer for a proof. I am not sure why I have been landed with this job - it is a sore point!

In to school at 12pm - another sore point as I wanted the meeting to take place at 9am not in the middle of my day off. Then home to get dinner for today done (Hairy Dieters meatballs) and look at dinner for tomorrow (Hairy Dieters chicken korma).

I am off on my Beginners Quilting course tomorrow and don't want to leave the organising of dinner up to Mick again - he has been in charge for the last two Saturdays and we have ended up having an Indian takeaway. Not this week though - if I have to suffer for my 2lb weight gain then so does he!!
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Re: Good morning Friday

Postby Diflower » 31 Jan 2014, 10:09

Morning all :)
Oh dear, the weather again :( It's fairly bright here just now, and extremely windy, but we know the wet stuff's on its way and more for the weekend :roll:

A lovely long weekend for you Kaz :) Hope there are a few breaks in the rain but no doubt you'll all enjoy it anyway :)

I'm going to be clearing what I can from the little room, at least the table. The shelf fell down the other week so yesterday we stopped off at B&Q and got some decent brackets but we need it clear so Bb can get to do it properly.
Enjoy your steamfest Saundra, and everyone else have as good a day as you can
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