The weather - hmmm, the forecast was and is for a cloudy day with lots of heavy showers; we had plenty of rain overnight but so far it's quite bright - getting darker though
Today is not as expected, will update on the health board.
Ally enjoy your wander, just what I could fancy too, my trips into town involve more of a fast stomp up and down the hill and home as quick as possible, you can't actually enjoy it
Don't apologise Ton, it's nice to know it's not everywhere, we can dream of escape
Have fun Aggers, are you making a spreadsheet or Word document or something?
Enjoy your day off meriad
Yesterday in a charity shop I found the 3rd book in a series I've read the first two of (Jeffrey Archer, The Clifton Chronicles, really good read), then was told the books were bogof so got a Joanna Trollope as well (The Soldier's Wife). I'm sure I've told you all before that she taught at my grammar school
So this afternoon I shall be starting a new book, always a nice prospect
Try and have a good day all