Oh I have several different categories of socks
There are boot socks, that go on over ordinary socks, for my wellies and for my slightly-too-big-but-comfortable very clumpy waterproof walking boots.
There are little thin cotton trainer socks for my nice Sketchers trainers in warm weather. And for wearing on their own, if my feet are a bit cold in the morning but it's too warm for slippers.
There are lots of plain black socks for almost all Autumn/winter outfits. But these also come in two sub-categories, since one set of 4 pairs is a bit thicker than the other set of 5 pairs.
There are long socks for when it's really cold.
There are normal white, thicker cotton socks for trainers when it's a bit colder than for the trainer socks.
Some of the above are also for warming feet when I get into bed, as I'm hardly ever cold except sometimes my feet, and I can't get to sleep with cold feet. But whichever pair they need, they get taken off sometime after getting into bed.
And there are a few pairs that are pretty and so get worn much less often but I like looking down at them
There's one pair I've lost, through several moves within a few years, my mum knitted or crocheted them when she was really poorly, and I never wore them , just looked at them every now and then - and I don't know where they went

Shall I share the van?