Wow that's fantastic Aggers
Ton that sounds like a fun day in store for you! I hope your friend gets on ok, implants are a lengthy and painful business from what I've observed with my niece's palaver xxx
I'm not feeling awfully clever TBH, if I still feel like this first thing I'll ring to cancel the dentist, but I'd rather get it over with really I've got the heating well turned up, I got twenty minutes worth of fresh air just now when I took my new secateurs out into the back garden and finally pruned back my roses, the dead stuff on the clematis, the (unknown) shrub that had a lot of dead wood on it this summer (kill or cure!) and the very woody lavender in my butler sink - not sure if you are supposed to prune lavender but it was so woody this summer it was kill or cure, like the shrub LOL I think I'm a bit of a menace with a pair of secateurs in my hand
Otherwise I'm cuddling up with the two Holy Terrors, who are actually being pretty good. Had to take them on the field separately earlier, I can't manage them both together, Fraggs is too strong! Lucky we have somewhere suitable to walk them so close by, wouldn't fancy going further afield feeling so yuk I just let the extending lead out and they both got a run while I stood still LOL