because that I certainly am not.
You know I've complained about my car door freezing shut; well lots of googling and looking on car forums and getting advice on here, said I needed to give the actual locking mechanism hidden behind the panel a good clean and re-lubrication. So, when I had my nails done on Saturday, Tony (the OH of Alex who does the nails) very kindly helped me take the panel off the door so I could do all this. So now fingers crossed I'll be OK for the winter. BUT..... when the panel was off we noticed that the plastic membrane that is usually in a car door was torn away; only a tiny thin strip was stuck in the top corner, otherwise you'd forget there should be a membrane. A few years back the window winding mechanism failed so I suspect that when that was repaired the membrane was torn and never replaced.
I'm trying to think back to the timing of the window issue and the car problems, so wondering - could the lack of the membrane be the cause of all this grief I have, not only with the lock freezing but also the incredible amount of condensation that builds up during autumn and winter. It's so bad that I have to scrape ice off the inside of the windscreen as well. If yes, does anyone know how easy / expensive it is to have the membrane replaced?