I am blind in my R eye due to an accident many years ago. The injury brings on atttacks fo conjunctivitis, which is what I thought happened on Friday.
This time, however, the drops I use had no effect, in fact they were painful to put in. I had no sleep on Saturday because of it and by Sunday evening I thought that my head would explode so I rang NHS 111 and thay made an emergency appointment at the eye clinic for 8:30 this morning.
It turns out not to be conjunctivitis but an infection of the fluid inside the eye. I have been given an injection of anti-bs and some ant-b drops. I have to go back on Wednesday to start a week's course of steroidal drops.
If I only post rarely for a while you know why.
For those who do STD on the fun board I am afraid that I will have to give it a rest for a few weeks till things settle down.