As irritating as I find Mr Oliver (I would dearly love to slap him around the face with a wet fish) I am really enjoying this programme and I think I would cook most of the meals that he has shown.
I have just watched yesterdays programme - I would definitely cook the slow roasted ham hocks, the butternut and spinach bake thing, the lettuce and peas, the salad stir fry, the garlic beans, the steak and the fish balls. So everything then!
The book man came round to work last week and his book is included in the pile. I think it is £10. I shall spend my lunch break tomorrow looking through it and may put in an order.
Because you know, I really, really need another cook book in the house.
I may have to wrap it up for myself and leave it as an anonymous present under the xmas tree and I pretend the tag must have fallen off and I don't know who bought it.