by debih » 10 Dec 2012, 23:34
I once made a paper lantern thing at Sunday school.
It was lovely until I decided (when no one else was in the room) to put it over the (lit) advent candle to see what it looked like.
I still to this day remember the feeling of panic as it set alight. I ran around the room like a headless chicken, holding onto the burning piece of paper until I could hold it no more so I dropped it in the middle of the lounge carpet. I then stood there watching it burn for a few seconds before deciding I really ought to go and tell someone.
My mum and dad weren't best pleased. I'm not sure if it was my burnt fingers that upset them or the big black hole in the middle of the lounge carpet. Somehow, I don't think it was my fingers!
It put me off Christmas crafts for years! I wonder if I would be safe, studding an orange?
Life begins at the end of your comfort zone!