Hello just came to give you an update. Luke is still in hospital and so is Tim. Provided his blood pressure stays up and his temperature down and the IV antibiotics kick in when the drip comes off, he should be able to go home tomorrow. Tim took me to see him this afternoon, bless him, he looks shocking. Really heavy eyed, dribbling, and you can see how much it hurts to swallow. But it was lovely to see him and talk to him and know he was my Luke.
42 have been brilliant I have to say. Chris and James were there all evening, then Billy arrived at 10 and stayed the night, as did Tim. Chris and James have been there all day today and now Lisa and Rachael are there and are staying the night. Hopefully Tim won't feel the need to stop all night again, as I think we have to trust 42 and show Luke we trust them. Apparently they are going to do an ECG for some reason. Quite where they see the link between that and a sore throat is beyond me. Best thing is no one has actually examined his throat