Morning morning. I had a terrible nights sleep - woke up at 3am and it was well past 4.30am when I got back to sleep and then the alarm went off at 6am.
Not a particularly nice day here - very cloudy and quite chilly. Not seen the weather forecast yet today but we were told it would be nice so hopefully it will burn off.
I have already dropped L at school - the whole school are off to Southport for the day, leaving at 7.30am and back at about 7pm. I usually go on trips with them but couldn't do this one as I have adoption panel.
The juniors will be harassing unsuspecting passers by this morning asking them if they live in Southport or are visiting, how they got there, do they like it and what pet do they have (guess which question they chose themselves) and then going to the beach this afternoon. The infants are on the beach all day so I do hope its sunny there.
Adoption panel and shopping for me today and then the driving backwards and forwards for S for cadets this evening.