Tomorrow morning we head off down to Cobh in Co. Cork. There's a dance teacher there who asked us to his end of term social, so that's tomorrow night, and then there is another social dance on Saturday night. We are staying with my brother who lives in a flat overlooking where the people left to go on the Titanic, beautiful sea views. My two nieces and their hubbies are coming for dinner on Friday night and on Friday during the day, we may go to Fota Wild Life Park if the weather is nice. On Saturday we will just potter around and then home on Sunday. I've packed lots of stuff - well you know how it is when you are going in the car, there's room for loads AND the kitchen sink When there's dancing in the mix, that means dressing up clothes and dance shoes as well. Really looking forward to the few days away, goodness knows we don't get much time to relax
Tomorrow, May 23rd, is the first anniversary of our retirement - now where did that year go!!! Still loving every bit of it