I've been flying solo this week and I think I've just about burnt myself out, but I'm seeing lots of progress.
I've decided that I'm sorting out the house and more importantly the behavior. It had got to the point where i didnt take both to shops, and dont dare eat out with them, even hesitant at familys homes.
so, at the beginning of the week, we drew up house rules around respect, with individualised consequences, as they (and me) are very different. at first we butted heads for the first few days, there were tears, tantrums, and physical battles, but today, they played together for a couple if hours so nicely together, so I dared to take them to a shop, full of breakable stuff, and they were the most beautiful behaved children you ever did see. I Was so proud of them.
Next was the supermarket, and they started to slip, last was the fruit shop on the way home, and we left with Oliver having a full on 2 year old tantrum under my arm. Lesson learnt. They can be good, but not for more than an hour while out and about.
Onwards and upwards, tomorrows another day, and hubby comes home.
They are both really missing him, and me too.