Random question about sheds

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Re: Random question about sheds

Postby TheOstrich » 10 Feb 2021, 14:17

Workingman wrote:Ria, I would check with the local council. Some places have restrictions about what can be erected in front of the building line, a shed, though a temporary structure, might fall within the rules.

That's what I was going to say. Also check your title deed, there may be a restrictive covenant in it (i.e. "not allowed to park a caravan on your drive" or "not allowed to run a business from home" or "not allowed to build forward of a certain line" or (as in our case) "not allowed to keep pigs" :shock: :lol:

As WM says, I would have thought a low-slung wheelie bin type shed might be permissible this day and age, though, although usually they are for houses with no immediate access to the rear - have any of your neighbours got one?
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Re: Random question about sheds

Postby Kaz » 10 Feb 2021, 15:24

Ria, in the road I lived in, in Egham, at one end of the road was a sort of back to front house, with the whole garden at the front and nothing behind it. There was a shed and a veggie patch, and I don't think anyone minded :) It was behind a hedge though ;) Funnily enough there is a very similar house at the top of Cheltenham Road here, that is sideways on to the road, and their garden faces the road. They have several greenhouses, a washing line and a veggie patch. It's fairly rural where you are, isn't it? I don't see why anyone would mind :?: :idea:
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