88. Besides the cooperation on conservation, management and regulation, the objective of the
provisions on fisheries should be to uphold Union fishing activities. In particular, it should
aim to avoid economic dislocation for Union fishermen that have been engaged in fishing
activities in the United Kingdom waters.
89. To reach this objective, the provisions on fisheries should uphold existing reciprocal access
conditions, quota shares and the traditional activity of the Union fleet, and therefore:
– uphold continued reciprocal access, for all relevant species, by Union and United
Kingdom vessels to the waters of the Union and the United Kingdom;
– uphold stable quota shares, which can only be adjusted with the consent of both Parties;
– include modalities for transfers and exchanges of quotas and for the setting of annual or
multi-annual total allowable catches (or effort limitations) on the basis of long-term
management strategies;
– organise the modalities for obtaining fishing authorisations and the provisions that
ensure equality of treatment and compliance, including joint control and inspection
The UK has the lowest trade integration in the single market for goods and the third lowest trade integration for services
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