The vaccine is out.

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The vaccine is out.

Postby Workingman » 08 Dec 2020, 09:30

Some good news, at last, but it is going to be a slow road.

At least TPTB are being a bit more realistic now with their timeline of April for the majority of the top groups to be inoculated, and summer for us all to be done - well, all except the anti-vaxxers.

I am looking forward to getting my call, probably in late January. Fingers crossed it all goes to plan.
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Re: The vaccine is out.

Postby cromwell » 08 Dec 2020, 09:39

Yes, it is nice to have a bit of good news.
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Re: The vaccine is out.

Postby miasmum » 08 Dec 2020, 10:28

Our local hospital Northampton General is one of the first ones too
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Re: The vaccine is out.

Postby Suff » 08 Dec 2020, 11:11

It is good news, but the downside is that the groups chosen will not stop the lockdown as they do not hit the vast majority of people. Likely to catch it.

There is an end date though and even if it does slip it puts an end to the stories of doom laden 2022 lock downs.
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Re: The vaccine is out.

Postby Workingman » 08 Dec 2020, 17:57

Suff wrote:It is good news, but the downside is that the groups chosen will not stop the lockdown as they do not hit the vast majority of people

That is what I was saying on the other thread. My thinking is that, with some exceptions for the most vulnerable, we need those who are economically active given protection, and also that the elderly etc. are already shielding or taking other precautions.
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Re: The vaccine is out.

Postby debih » 08 Dec 2020, 23:15

We have had half a dozen of our patients vaccinated today - 5 of them were over 80 and were done at hospital either as an in or outpatient and one was 50 - a frontline NHS worker with underlying conditions

We have been told that next week they (whoever they are) are going into the local care homes to vaccinate staff and residents.

I should get it before others of my age range because I’m an NHS worker but we won’t be top of the list. We actually think L may get it first in this family as she is a carer.

I have to say I wasn’t that keen on having it until I was confined to barracks for two weeks. How boring was that!!!

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Re: The vaccine is out.

Postby jenniren » 09 Dec 2020, 00:54

It's great news and I will definitely be in the queue when my time comes.
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Re: The vaccine is out.

Postby debih » 09 Dec 2020, 16:41

This morning we noticed that all the Covid vaccine groups had been added to all patients in our system. NHS England must have done it overnight.

Care hime residents and over 80’s seem to be in group 2 and over 70’s group 3. We didn’t have any Group 1’s (that we could see) so we assume they are hospital patients or NHS staff and carers.

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Re: The vaccine is out.

Postby miasmum » 09 Dec 2020, 18:21

Its not NHS England Deb because its not happened at our surgery but I am intrigued.

Are you on System One? Do you mean each patient has been allocated a group and its marked on their records?
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Re: The vaccine is out.

Postby Workingman » 09 Dec 2020, 18:39

Unfortunately today the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) has issued targeted advice to those who have had significant allergic reactions to medicines, food or other vaccines not to take the Pfizer/BioNTech Covid jab.

This follows reactions in two NHS workers following the jab. Their conditions were not thought to be serious and both are fine, but better to be safe than sorry.

It is not thought to be a big issue, but with the prevalence of allergies we have in society today, and for all sorts of things, it is probably wise to be cautious. It is a known risk for 1:1000 so relatively small but for an individual it is a balance between risk v benefits.
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