US elections

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Re: US elections

Postby Workingman » 07 Nov 2020, 16:46

miasmum wrote:Just as a matter of interest what two states are not FPTP WM?

Gee, it's a long time since I was at school. :lol: :lol: :lol: It might be Nebraska and Arkansas. I think one still does the total vote but splits the EC vote in PR fashion to the % each side got. So if it has ten EC votes and the split was 60% to 40% the EC votes go six to four. I think the other one splits the vote on county lines. For example if it has 50 counties and 40 vote one way and 10 vote the other its ten seats get split eight to two.

Or something like that. ;) :D :D
cromwell wrote:I suppose it will soon be back to normal in the States. Going to war in the middle east etc

Biden and Trump are both neocon warmongers, but who would Biden go to war with? Bahrain? Qatar? Certainly not Iran. Trump had a few excuses but held off because he, and Biden, both know that Iran could give the US a very bloody nose and, potentially, bring in (known) nuclear powers.

He'd be safer doing another "Grenada".
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Re: US elections

Postby Workingman » 07 Nov 2020, 17:05

It looks like Biden, he has reportedly got an unassailable lead in Pennsylvania giving him 273 seats as a minimum.
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Re: US elections

Postby Osc » 07 Nov 2020, 18:36

And the world is celebrating!!
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Re: US elections

Postby Workingman » 07 Nov 2020, 18:38

Yes. I wonder how much money will be put on Kamala Harris becoming the first female president of the USA, and a woman of colour, too? Choosing her was a master stroke.

That is not a cheap shot at Biden, but there have been rumours for a long time that he is not, shall we say, the fittest wolf in the pack. It is odds on that the Republicans will be focusing in on his health and chipping away at his suitability to function as POTUS.

The Yanks are in for a dirty time in politics, but the public, from what I have seen in the interviews want things to heal.

Boris does not sound too happy.
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Re: US elections

Postby Kaz » 07 Nov 2020, 20:19

He's only slightly older than Trump, and looks in better nick to me.
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Re: US elections

Postby saundra » 08 Nov 2020, 11:05

From what iv,just seen in the DM of binden with Gerry Adams and not liking the UK
Doesent sound good either
But time will tell
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Re: US elections

Postby Workingman » 08 Nov 2020, 13:17

Having served in the forces during the times of the troubles I have a view of Adams and McGuinness, and some people will not like it. Sometimes, in order for the greater good, dirty deeds and working with despicable characters has to be done. Securing the GFA was one of them. There is natural wastage and these people will eventually filter out of the system.

It wasn't the first time it has happened in world history and it will not be the last.

When it comes to Biden I am neither celebrating nor crying in my cups. What will be will be and none of us have a vote to change anything he does, same as with Trump.
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Re: US elections

Postby Suff » 08 Nov 2020, 16:17

True, but the UK could wake up and veto the US in the UN, if they want to play dirty.

It might just wake them up to the fact that a relationship has more than one partner.

On the GFA and ex Pira members? I'm very much in the mould of WM here. It will all come out over the following decades.

It is all time to wait and see. The Democrats lost ground in both the house and the Senate, ending their hopes for a trifecta win.

The wheel turns, the world moves on and real change has been largely avoided.
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