This could be the mantra for hundreds of thousands of us in the local hotspots.
Professor John Edmunds, a member of the government's Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (SAGE) has hinted that those of us most at risk could be asked to stay home for a month and told to avoid seeing other people, according to the Times.
We do not know which month but he said the current rises will not manifest themselves into hospital admissions for a few weeks, so it looks likely to be November - at first. He was backed up by Dr Stephen Griffin, associate professor in the School of Medicine at the University of Leeds.
Sod it, I am not going to comply. I will go shopping as I do now - late evening. I will go for my solitary walks in the cemetery and playing fields, also as I do now. I will social distance, wear a mask and wash / sanitise my hands as I have always done since this mess started.
Yes, I might be at risk, but being inactive could do me more damage - I need exercise. When I am out I hardly meet anyone and when I do it is at distance and only for a few minutes, if that.