by Suff » 01 Apr 2013, 20:50
If it were the hotelier, it would work perfectly. But, in fact, it is the Troika who hold the remaining debt. And the Troika who are bailing them out. So the Troika are giving money to the Greeks so they can pay interest on the money they already owe them.
In the end, the Greeks must pay the interest on the debt they already owe, plus the debt they already owe, plus the bailout.
They are in hock for the next 100 years. Or until they default 100%. Whichever comes first. The sad thing is that the Greek economy is already in balance, in fact it has a small surplus. The massive cuts which have decimated their business, put hundreds of thousands out of work, blighted the economy and lives, has done the job. They can now stand alone and grow.
Why aren't they? Because the interest on the debt they owe (not the principal), is greater than their entire free cash.
So each bail out is like a new credit card to pay the interest on the last one. We all know how that works don't we.....
There are 10 types of people in the world:
Those who understand Binary and those who do not.