by Workingman » 01 Sep 2017, 13:15
Lissie, images are stored in various formats but for photos it is usually .jpeg or .jpg.
Use windows explorer, as Suff mentions, but in the left pane just do a single left click on your C:\ drive to bring up the folders in the right pane. Now, up at the top right, you should see a "Search" box. Go to it and type in *.jpg and press Enter. Any files matching the criteria will appear in the right pane. Righ click on any one and from the menu choose Properties - the new pop-up should show the location. Also do *.jpeg.
You can search for anything this way. The asterisk * is a wildcard to represent any name a file has and the part after the dot . is the file type - usually three letters. Forex: *.doc will search for any document, *.xls will look for spreadsheets, *.txt will look for text files, and so on.
Other image formats to try: *.TIFF *.GIF *.BMP and *.PNG