Removing an email address

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Removing an email address

Postby cruiser2 » 17 Jan 2017, 15:19

I want to completely remove an email
I am getting a lot of spam and junk and I have stopped using it.
Have tried using instruction from the internet but none of them seem to work.
Any help much appreciated

Re: Removing an email address

Postby Workingman » 17 Jan 2017, 18:09

Cruiser, if you login to Hotmail (Outlook) on the Internet you need to go to the gear icon, top left, choose Options. Now go to Manage your account and then Account details. Look for Security and Privacy and in Account security click Manage advanced security. In there you should find a Close account link and from there you can mark any of your accounts (email adrresses) for closure. Click the spam check box to let Hotmail, now know the reason.
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Re: Removing an email address

Postby Suff » 18 Jan 2017, 12:33

Before doing that, Hotmail has a feature I use because it's not my main address. That feature is to mark every mail from a sender not in your contacts as spam.

If I expect a mail from someone not in the list I go in and add it to the contacts. Yes I do lose stuff from time to time, but it has totally fixed any Hotmail related spam issues I have.
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Re: Removing an email address

Postby cruiser2 » 19 Jan 2017, 15:50

Have tried what you suggest without success.
When I click on the cog, I get a list. In accounts there are three entries--Connect Accounts, Forwarding and PO & IMAP.
After only three days I have over 150 spam messages in my junk folder. This is why I want to completely remove the email address.
Will keep trying and let you know if I am successful

Re: Removing an email address

Postby Suff » 19 Jan 2017, 17:25

Just a thought,

How do you log into your PC?
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Re: Removing an email address

Postby Suff » 19 Jan 2017, 17:38

There really isn’t a concept of just a “hotmail account” today. Your Hotmail account is the login attribute of your Microsoft account.

To get rid of it you need to go to this information page and follow the instructions. The last part is how to remove the account, but you need to ensure you are not logging in with that account first, or you won’t be able to log in to your pc once you have deleted it.

What annoys me most today is that Microsoft goes to quite some lengths to push you into creating a Microsoft account to log into your PC. Of course you don’t need to but you can’t get to the option not to create an account until you have already asked to create one, at which point only sad IT geeks are looking for the option to get out of doing it.

I checked the options for moving the spam. It’s buried in “Options” form the cog wheel. If you want to look at your account you need to go to the personal icon at the top right of the screen. But that’s just viewing. If you want to delete it you need to go to the link in the article I sent you.

I thought there used to be a cut off for the spam folder, I known Yahoo has one. I’ve set my Yahoo to a week. I’m sure Hotmail used to be able to set it to 24 hours but that option is now gone.

Let us know how you get on.

If you are logged into Hotmail, the mail settings link is

Even if it doesn’t show it.
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Re: Removing an email address

Postby Workingman » 20 Jan 2017, 00:01

Yes, my mistake. I have two Live mail (Hotmail) accounts. One is a throwaway for places that might inundate me with spam.

However, it does seem that Suff is right and that if you only have the one account you have to get rid of your, now, Outlook account and start again.

Cruiser, if you choose that route do set up an alias account (throwaway) when you re-sign for those times when sites 'demand' a working email address..... then just ignore what is in it. Never give out you main and private one.
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