Another problem

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Another problem

Postby AliasAggers » 30 Sep 2016, 10:56

I have been using OpenOffice now for all my letters and reference documents for years, with no problems, but today I can't access it.

When I try to access it, or my documents, I get the notice "The requested programme requires elevation" and can't get any further.

Any ideas?
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Re: Another problem

Postby Workingman » 30 Sep 2016, 12:45

Hi John, This sounds like a Windows problem. It is asking for Admin privileges to run Libre Office.

First, see if you are logged on to Windows with an Administrator account. Go to control Panel>>>User Accounts>>>see what account you are logged in with. If you are already in an Admin account you need something else.

Second, come out of Control Panel and open My Computer/Windows Explorer. Got to your C:/ drive>>>Program Files (x86)>>>Libre Office>>>Program folder. In the folder look for swriter.exe. (if you do a right click in a blank area you can select how to sort files. Go Sort by>>>Type and ascending) now right click on swriter.exe and from the menu choose Run as Administrator.

You now have two options. Open Libre Office with a blank document and then find your file from the toolbar menu File>>>Open... Or you can go to a document and with a right click use the Open With menu option and then Libre Office Writer.

Hopefully one of those will sort things out.

PS If the option to Run as Administrator works go back and right click swriter.exe From the menu choose Properties>>>Compatibility tab. Down the bottom you will see Privilege Level. Hit the Change settings for al users button and in the new screen make sure the Run this program as an administrator box is ticked. Apply the change and OK your way back out.
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Re: Another problem

Postby AliasAggers » 30 Sep 2016, 13:32

Thanks, Frank.

Whilst you were typing your reply, I had the idea of doing a System Restore, and this seems to have put the matter right.

If I have a recurrence of this problem I will do as you suggest.

Sorry to have put you to this trouble.
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Re: Another problem

Postby Workingman » 30 Sep 2016, 14:45

It is no trouble, John.

I know a lot of these things off the top of my head... and knowing them I also know how quick some of these fixes are for me to do as I have come across them time and again.

I actually enjoy giving up these tips and tricks as it gives me something to do. :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Another problem

Postby cruiser2 » 30 Sep 2016, 18:43

I know it is not an answer to the problem
But I have an icon on my desk top--OpenOffice 4.1.2
I only have to click on this to start a new document.
I can even type addresses on envelopes from on of the drop down menus and then print them onto envelopes in the centre by adjusting the position.

Re: Another problem

Postby Workingman » 30 Sep 2016, 19:14

That is indeed the normal method, Cruiser, but Aggers was getting the error in trying to do that.

Sometimes these little niggles crop up for no apparent reason.

That's when you call: "Ghostbusters!" :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Another problem

Postby Suff » 02 Oct 2016, 01:43

I was wondering if a Windows update had changed the file permissions...

That would be undone by a system restore..
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Re: Another problem

Postby Workingman » 02 Oct 2016, 14:25

Ah, yes, Windows Update poking its nose in again, well I never!

Cruiser, Libre Office is now at 5.1. It loads much quicker and has got rid of some compatibility bugs.

BTW. I opened a pdf in Acrobat, PDF-Xchange Editor and Libre Office Draw and they all rendered the file in much the same way.
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Re: Another problem

Postby Suff » 02 Oct 2016, 15:24

Well the latest W10 update has worked on most of the machines and my phone but borked my tablet... <sigh>. Won't get to a login screen. I'll leave it for a day or two.

The bad news was when it all came up in Chinese (the OS was originally installed in Chinese but I removed it all), during the update.

We shall see..

[Edit]. After a LOT of faffing, I managed to force it to continue loading the updates. How do you boot Windows10 into recovery mode? Well there are two real options. One you log into windows and tell it to boot into recovery mode (great, not an option), or two you boot it from a USB key containing windows10 and do it from there.

How do you boot a dual boot Android/Windows tablet into Windows from a USB stick? Not sure but it did try and this tripped Windows into a different load mode which allowed it to continue.

Welcome to Windoze. When it works it just works. Then again MAC's and Linux which are so borked must be reinstalled. So I should not complain too much.
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