I have said since we got him that Smudge seems to have a few doggie like traits - he 'fetches' things when asked and can do some tricks, also he licks you
Since he had the runs on Sunday night (my fault ) I haven't seen one poo in his litter. I know he is an outdoor lad now, but as he hadn't made any effort to learn how to not use his litter so far, I assumed that he still hadn't (lots of wees there though ) I had started to be a little bit concerned ....until today.
When we had the deep snow recently, he weed in the garden in the deep snow. Today, on the grass (no snow now) I found three poos. I don't want him to poo on the grass, I thought cats were supposed to bury it? He does seem to have had a go at burying it, there were bits of grass around the poo, but still, how can I teach him NOT to poo on the grass?
None of the cats I have had up to now have behaved the way he does