Mostly nice here, sun on and off, a lot of cloud but no rain, and lovely and warm
Glad it went well yesterday Kaz
Jen you poor things, it sounds never ending. I know it will all be worth it in the end, but still xx
We had a lovely day yesterday, cousin M and his wife came for the day (yes another one, I do have a lot of cousins!). Another excuse for lunch out, sitting in the garden at the Chequers down the lane And an excuse for cake when we got back
Friend who has the house at Barton drives me/us round the bend though! We both love her to bits, but however many times we tell her it's really better if she lets us know when she's coming...she doesn't
She's been telling us for ages that she'd be down 'in July', but last week she said she wasn't sure.
This morning she phoned to say she's there, with a friend, and 'thought we could meet for dinner tonight'.
Yes we can. but more notice would've been nice, then we could have gone somewhere nice, instead of the place she's already booked...ho hum, it'll be fine