Just wet here
Glad you had a little dance Osc, that must have felt good
Do hope you feel better soon Rodo, I guess you'll be delaying your celebrations too x
Well, we had such a good time last night!
One household is also struggling with the horrible coughy bug and obviously didn't want to come and infect everyone, so just six of us in the end, which was perfect around our table
It was all exactly as I wanted it - I didn't want everyone told ages in advance, it would have put too much pressure on me to get it all just right.
The way it was, it was all just right
Lovely food (that I'd been a bit worried wouldn't be to everyone's taste) all demolished with about enough left for us for dinner tonight
Lovely company, lots of chat and lots of laughter, music, a good game or two and a rather late night with no-one needing to worry about getting home
Not too much clearing up and all sorted out, done and put away before lunchtime
Himself has the snooker to watch, and I plan on doing very little for the rest of the day