pederito1 wrote:How ever could a covering of snow be "Good" unless of course you are some nutter who wants to make a snowman or ski in it.
It's good if it falls before 7.30am and the trains can't run which means I get to stay at home
Gal, not sure about your longer-term forecast, we have cold weather predicted until Sunday, maybe Monday, but then it's back to the 'warmer' weather again. On my way to work I pass quite a few daffodils already up and in bloom, here in the Embankment Gardens next to my office the potted Camellia's are flowering - and they'll all die off now with the frost
and I know I keep harping on about wildlife, but these are the flowers that normally would be the ones that most insects such as bees and bumble bees that come out of hibernation / hatch early rely on for their first boost of energy