by Diflower » 03 Feb 2013, 23:21
It's so heartbreaking, when she first wakes up she forgets she can't walk properly, and comes tottering out to the kitchen...just now she fell all over the floor. We have to get her to go out as she needs to wee a lot, normally just a couple of times a day but it's a symptom of the disease and a side effect of the steroids too.
Oh and she had a huge panting fit a bit earlier, obviously desperately trying to get some oxygen, but did calm down after a while.
Once she's a bit awake she's learnt (already) that she has to wait a minute and get her balance, then walk funny...she then didn't want to come in from the rain, presumably because she was afraid of the floor.
Anyway, she's in now and back on her bed.
Also we opened the second tin of food earlier as she wouldn't eat anything else, so she's had a tablespoon of that too.