It's just the way it is here Kaz.
We had Dirk, who is so laid back, he's almost horizontal
and now we have Carla who is much more pushy, but at least bring the bods in.
Speaking a a neighbour the other day, he said that there are just so many properties on the market at the moment, in our village, as it's the "place to be" But all they're doing is putting themselves into debt, by paying over the odds for thos front line properties - and we know the buildings over here - give 'em a couple year and they'll be trying all sorts to get rid of mould etc.
it's just a different market - much more pushy, believe it or not
- and we only have 5 more months.
Then I'll be chosing 3 or 4 different agents and we'll be with all of them, at the same time.
Another "friend" suggested we go with some company he knows, whereby we pay 7% commission
and the comp+any will "guarantee" to bring 2 buyers a month.
Yeah,. right, just means you're paying for their flight, their hotel bill, their car hire