After I'd posted, Minnie tried to walk across the room and her back legs collapsed. She wanted to go out, her legs were collapsing.
I phoned Bb who thankfully was nearly home. The vet has another branch in the next town and they're open so phoned them and took her.
Lovely vet lady very concerned, the collapsing is due to weakness. She was worried the blood count would have gone down, so took blood and did the test while we were there. Don't know what I said originally but I'd got the figures wrong.
Normal is 35-65, on Thursday Minnie's was 19.
She warned us that if it was below 10 it was grim; her eyelids and gums by now were white and she was panting heavily. We waited.
She came back, blood count had not dropped, so she was still worth them and us trying whatever we could.
She is there, they were going to give her the steroid dose by injection, with some anti-sickness (or something), but mainly put her on oxygen. We're to go back at 10 to 5, hopefully the oxygen will have helped and we can bring her home.